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Zagreb Film Festival
19 - 25 October 2008

SC - Savska 25
10000 Zagreb

385 1 48 29 477
385 1 45 93 691


My Marlon and Brando / Gitmek
Turkey, The Netherlands, United Kingdom , 2008.

Directed by: Hüseyin Karabey
Script: Hüseyin Karabey, Ayca Damgaci
Producer: Hüseyin Karabey, Lucinda Englehart, Frans van Gestel, Jeroen Beker
Production company: A-si Film Yapim, Spier Films, IDTV FILM/Motel Films
Cinematography: Emre Tanyildiz
Editing: Mary Stephen
Music: Kemal Sahir Gurel, Huseyin Yildiz, Erdal Guney
Cast: Ayca Damgaci, Hama Ali Kahn, Nesrin Cavadzade, Emrah Ozdemir, Cengiz Bozkurt, Mahir Gunsiray

Format: boja, color, 35mm
Running time: 92'

Ayça is a Turkish actress and she lives in Istanbul. On a film set in the West of Turkey, she meets Hama Ali, a Kurdish actor. The two fall in love while shooting a film. After the shoot, Ayça returns to Istanbul and Hama has to go back to his home, Süleymaniye in northern Iraq . Ayça and Hama continue their relationship on the telephone and via letters, while America prepares to attack Iraq. The post often doesn't work and the phone lines in Iraq are usually cut off. From time to time, Ayça receives a declaration of love from her lover on video. Ayça can no longer bear the distance between them and decides to travel to northern Iraq. But getting into a country at war turns out to be just as difficult as getting out. The protagonists in the film are not actors who would quickly be cast for an average love story. My Marlon and Brando is a real story with and about real people. Ayça and Hama Ali are actors in their everyday lives, here they play themselves.

2008 Tribeca Film Festival - Best New Narrative Filmmaker 2008 Sarajevo Film Festival - Heart of Sarajevo, Best Actress2008 Istanbul Film Festival – Best Actress/Najbolja glumica 2008 Jerusalem Film Festival - FIPRESCI Prize

Directors Biography
Hüseyin Karabey, born 1970, Istanbul, Turkey, studied economics first, but decided later on to attend film courses at the Fine Art Faculty of Marmara University. Karabey has taught in many different organisations and universities about short film making. Especially Boran and his long documentary Silent Death have brought him several awards. His début feature My Marlon and Brando was selected for the CineMart in 2006 and has been realised with financial support of the Hubert Bals Fund.

Location and screening schedule:
matinee: SC Cinema, Monday, October 20th at 9.00
premiere: SC Cinema, Monday, October 20th at 20.00
reprisal: EUROPA Cinema, Tuesday, October 21st at 10.00

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