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Zagreb Film Festival
19 - 25 October 2008

SC - Savska 25
10000 Zagreb

385 1 48 29 477
385 1 45 93 691


Ireland , 2007

Directed by: Darren Thornton
Script: Darren Thornton
Producer: Collette Farrell
Production company: Calipo Picture Company
Cinematography: Ivan McCullough
Editing: Anna Maria O'Flanagan
Music: Ray Harman
Cast: Ryan Andrews, Darren Healy

Format: boja, color, 35mm
Running time: 12'

Fifteen-year-old Frankie candidly and comically discusses becoming a dad. He’s determined to beat his folks at their own game where parenting is concerned, but can he manage it?

2008 Berlin Film Festival - Prix UIP 2007 Cork International Film Festival - National Jury Award Best Irish Short Film

Directors Biography
Darren founded Calipo Theatre and Picture Company in 1994 and has been Artistic Director since then. He co-wrote and directed Love is the Drug as a six part TV drama series for RTE in 2004. The series was based on the original Calipo Play and won an IFTA for Best Drama Series in 2005. His short film script Frankie was awarded an RTE/IFB short cuts funding in 2006 and was shot early in 2007. Frankie won Best Irish Short Film at the Corona Cork Film Festival, Best Director at the Kerry Film Festival and the Berlin Prix UIP award at the Berlin Film Festival in February this year. Darren also initiated and facilitates SHARP FOCUS for Calipo, a cross-border film project where established filmmakers work with young people on the production of original short films.

Location and screening schedule:
matinee: SC Cinema, Friday, October 24th at 9.00
premiere: SC Cinema, Friday, October 24th at 20.00
reprisal: EUROPA Cinema, Saturday, October 25th at 10.00

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