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Zagreb Film Festival
19 - 25 October 2008

SC - Savska 25
10000 Zagreb

385 1 48 29 477
385 1 45 93 691


It's Hard to Be Nice / Teško je biti fin
Bosnia and Herzegovina, Germany, United Kingdom, Serbia, Montenegro, Slovenia , 2007

Directed by: Srdjan Vuletiæ
Script: Srdjan Vuletiæ
Producer: Ademir Kenoviæ, Pierre Spengler, Michael Eckelt
Production company: Refresh Production
Cinematography: Slobodan Trniniæ
Editing: Almir Kenoviæ, Andrija Zafranoviæ
Music: Srdjan Kurpjel, Saša Lošiæ
Cast: Saša Petroviæ, Senad Bašiæ, Emir Hadžihafizbegoviæ, Daria Lorenci, Jasna Žalica, Aleksandar Seksan, Nerman Mahmutoviæ

Format: boja, color, 35mm
Running time: 102'

40-year-old Fudo is a taxi driver from Sarajevo. Aside from that, he collaborates with the local underworld, giving robbers tips on houses whose owners are away on holiday. Because of his wife and – most importantly – his small son he decides to ditch the latter activity. Shaking free of one’s own past is not easy, however. He starts with a new car, and to buy it he borrows money from a colleague – who nonetheless wants a favour in return. What’s more, Fudo’s first passenger in his “new” life is a pregnant woman he takes to the hospital where he is assumed to be the child’s father. Fudo however is not about to compromise his resolution, and he continues to try to be a better person. This, Srdjan Vuletiæ’s second feature film, is the story of a man who radically turns over a new leaf. His transformation is made all the more difficult in that it plays out in the modern Bosnian metropolis of Sarajevo, a city that is also searching for itself.

2008 Miami Film Festival Special Mention/ 2007 Sarajevo Film Festival Heart of Sarajevo Best Actor (Sasa Petrovic)

Directors Biography
Srdjan Vuletiæ (b. 1971, Bijeljina, Bosnia and Herzegovina) studied at the Academy of Performing Arts in Sarajevo, where he also made short films. In 1992 he worked as a medical technician in a hospital, an experience that paid off when he made his documentary film I Burnt Legs (Palio sam noge, 1993), which won a European Film Award a year later. His feature film debut was The Summer in the Golden Valley (Ljeto u zlatnoj dolini, 2004). It's Hard to Be Nice is selected candidate for the Oscar Award for Best foreign film.

Location and screening schedule:
premiere: SC Cinema, Monday, October 20th at 14.00
reprisal: EUROPA Cinema, Monday, October 20th at 21.30

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