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Zagreb Film Festival
19 - 25 October 2008

SC - Savska 25
10000 Zagreb

385 1 48 29 477
385 1 45 93 691


Bad day for captain Cook / Loš dan za kapetana Kuku
Croatia , 2008

Directed by: Marin Juraniæ, Hana Veèek
Script: Hana Veèek
Producer: Ana Kegleviæ
Cinematography: Dario Hacek
Editing: Marin Juraniæ
Cast: Alex Rakoš, Janko Rakoš, Hana Veèek

Format: boja, color, video
Running time: 30'

We follow the mother of a small boy from morning to evening. Her day is entirely subjected to the child and she doesn’t manage to have a single moment for herself throughout the day. The father is only a dear guest in the flat who is always in a hurry and when he is present, he is asleep. The boy lives in an imaginary world where he is Peter Pan and mother is sometimes Wandy, but mainly Captain Cook.

Directors Biography
Marin Juraniæ was born in Zagreb in 1979. He studied editing on the Academy of Drama Arts in Zagreb. He edited feature films “Sex, Boos and Short Fuse” and “All Free” as well as numerous TV reports, music video clips and commercials. His documentary “Ne prilazite” (Mladen Dizdar, 2003) was awarded for best editing on the Days of Croatian Film 2003. Hana Veèek was born in Zagreb in 1969. She directed several theatre productions in Croatian National Theatre in Varaždin, Gavella, Kerempuh and Exit. She translates, writes plays, directs and raises children.

Location and screening schedule: BUG cinema &TD, Monday, October 20th at 23.00

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