Synopsis Kalli, a young boy who is brought up by a single mother in the suburbs of Reykjavik, thrives in a world of imaginary characters, in a world where he gets most of his life experiences through screens: movies, television shows and computers. When he is sent to spend Christmas with his father and his father’s new family, far up north at a remote and isolated farm, he is taken out of that world and put in one where he has to fight real life challenges. he soon gets enough of the countrysides’ reality and decides to run away in the middle of winter, only to be hit harder by reality. he finds him self lost in a blizzard with no connection on his mobile phone and even has an encounter with a polar bear. As he seeks shelter in an abandoned farm he has to deal with a ghost. The ghost is terrifying at first, but Kalli discovers that it is virtual and there are ways to deal with it.
Awards Sprockets Int’l Film Festival for Children - Best Feature Film Jury
Kristiansand Int’l Children’s Film Festival - The CIFEJ Prize
Zlin Film Festival (Youth & Children’s film festival in Czech Republic) - Audience Award