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Zagreb Film Festival
19 - 25 October 2008

SC - Savska 25
10000 Zagreb

385 1 48 29 477
385 1 45 93 691


The Day After Peace
Great Britain , 2008

Directed by: Jeremy Gilley
Script: Jeremy Gilley
Producer: Jeremy Gilley
Production company: A Peace One Day Production
Editing: Adrian Begon
Music: Craig Armstrong

Format: boja, color, video
Running time: 82'

The Day After Peace charts the remarkable 10-year long world journey taken by award winning filmmaker Jeremy Gilley to establish a day of Peace on September 21st. During the course of his mission the camera follows Gilley as he galvanizes the countries of the world to recognize this as an official day of ceasefire and non-violence. After the official motion is unanimously adopted in the UN, Gilley turns his efforts to implementing the ideals of Peace Day around the world. Jeremy’s persistence is rewarded when UNICEF, the World Health Organisation and local affected communities decide to try and use the Day to carry out a mass vaccination against Polio, in one of the toughest conflict areas in the world, Afghanistan. Jeremy asks Jude Law to accompany him to Afghanistan, to help persuade the government and insurgents to ratify Peace Day. The task seems impossible, but pure human spirit in a country exhausted with conflict, may just win through.

Adelaide Film Festival - Best Documentary Nominated for a Best British Documentary award and an Outstanding Directorial Achievement award

Directors Biography
Jeremy Gilley is an actor turned filmmaker, who in the late 1990s became preoccupied with questions about the fundamental nature of humanity and the issue of peace. He decided to explore these through the medium of film and created the highly successful documentary Peace One Day. Peace One Day has been licensed for broadcast in 14 territories internationally and has played at 30 International Film Festivals. Filmography: Peace One Day (2004), Where The Red Wind Blows (1999), WOW (1997), Outside Democracy (1996) The Playground (1995), Memoirs of an Amnesiac (1993).

Location and screening schedule:
premiere: SC Cinema, Wednesday, October 22nd at 17.00
reprisal: BUG cinema &TD, Thursday, October 23rd at 11.00

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