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Zagreb Film Festival
19 - 25 October 2008

SC - Savska 25
10000 Zagreb

385 1 48 29 477
385 1 45 93 691


Bomb Harvest
Australia, Laos , 2007

Directed by: Kim Mordaunt
Script: Kim Mordaunt, Sylvia Wilczynski
Producer: Sylvia Wilczynski
Production company: Lemur Films
Cinematography: Kim Mordaunt
Editing: Sloane Klevin
Music: Caitlin Yeo

Format: boja, color, video
Running time: 88'

Bomb Harvest explores the consequences of war in Laos as it follows an Australian bomb disposal specialist, training locals in the skill of detonating bombs while trying to stop villagers, particularly children, from finding them and using them for scrap metal. During the American War in Vietnam, Laos was subjected to American aerial bombardment, representing the heaviest U.S. bombing campaign since World War II, and making Laos the most bombed country in history. The deadly legacy of this destruction continues, with the country still scattered with unexploded ordnance. Bomb Harvest explores how three generations of people have been left to deal with the mess of an air war long after it is over. It vividly depicts the consequences of war and the bravery of those trying to clear up its remains. The Bomb Harvest film crew were granted an unprecedented 2 months on the ground with bomb disposal teams and live bombs, in areas of Laos which have never been filmed in before.

2007 Film Critics Circle of Australia Awards - Best Feature Documentary 2007 APRA-AGSC Screen Music Awards - Best Music in a Documentary

Directors Biography
Žetvu bombi producirala je Lemur Films, producentska kuæa koju je utemeljio redatelj/scenarist Kim Mordaunt i producentica/scenaristica Sylvia Wilczynski. Snimili su nagraðivane drame i dokumentarce za ABC TV, SBS TV i Discovery. Svoje karijere zapoèeli su na dokumentarcima i dramama za BBC i Channel 4 u Velikoj Britaniji. Kim u svojstvu redatelja trenutno razvija dugometražnu dramu Hitting the Bricks. Kim i Sylvia takoðer razvijaju dokumentarac Mini Moguls o djeci prevarantima u zemljama Treæeg svijeta te dugometražnu dramu Precious Metal, romantièni triler smješten u neobièan svijet na koji su naišli u Laosu za vrijeme snimanja "Žetve bombi".

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Location and screening schedule:
premiere: SC Cinema, Tuesday, October 21st at 17.00
reprisal: BUG cinema &TD, Wednesday, October 22nd at 11.00

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