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Zagreb Film Festival
19 - 25 October 2008

SC - Savska 25
10000 Zagreb

385 1 48 29 477
385 1 45 93 691


Heroes at Work / Es geht um alles
Germany , 2008

Directed by: Nina Pourlak
Script: Nina Pourlak
Producer: Karsten Aurich, Sebastian Lempe, Nina Pourlak
Production company: Sabotage Films
Cinematography: Sebastian Lempe
Editing: Monika Schindler
Music: Jakob Ilja

Format: boja, color, video
Running time: 95'

Champion trainer Ulli Wegner (65) is from the former GDR. He was raised with discipline and order, and his boxers call him 'The General.' He trains up to 15 athletes in different weight classes at any one time, but only one world champion: Armenian middle-weight boxer Arthur Abraham (27). He achieved rapid success but never really learned discipline. Ulli Wegner and his begrudging world champion can only continue to win if they work together. In the fourth round of his last fight Arthur was badly hurt but boxed on, fought round after round, and won. And his coach let it happen, not breaking off the fight so the world champion could keep his title. The sportsman became a hero because his trainer had faith in him. Four months later the next fight approaches. But Abraham is out of shape and far from being able to fulfill any expectations. The pressure also weighs heavily on Wegner. Four weeks before the fight and nerves are frayed. Can the sportsman make a comeback or was there more broken in the last fight than a couple of bones?

Directors Biography
Nina Pourlak was born 1973 in West-Berlin, after her father, an iranian student smuggled her mother, who lived in East Berlin trough the border in the back of his car. She studied script writing at the german film and tv university (dffb), and began to work as a director, too. There she also met her friend and cameraman Sebastian Lempe. As they saw champion boxer Arthur Abraham and his coach on tv, they recognized a story and went on to find more about it. Now, here is her debut feature documentary film.

Location and screening schedule:
premiere: SC Cinema, Thursday, October 23rd at 17.00
reprisal: BUG cinema &TD, Monday, November 24th at 11.00

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