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Zagreb Film Festival
19 - 25 October 2008

SC - Savska 25
10000 Zagreb

385 1 48 29 477
385 1 45 93 691


Train of Freedom
Kosovo, USA , 2008

Directed by: Karina Correa
Script: --
Producer: Petrit Pula
Production company: Petrit Pula
Cinematography: Regjep Ahmetaj
Editing: Frank Kalero

Format: boja, color, video
Running time: 53'

Being the first line in Kosova (also known as Kosovo), this railway was built in 1874. The train has traveled amazing journeys throughout its existence. At its peak, it transported passengers on luxury cabins from as far as Athens to Zagreb. Up until the war in Kosovo, the train was a major component for trade and travel. During the war, dark times made their mark when nearly one million Albanians were driven away by Serbian forces who ran a campaign of ethnic cleansing. People were forced into packed cars and deported to Macedonia. Before, during and after the war, enormous sacrifices have been made by the Kosovars at all levels of society to achieve the right to self-determination. The railways remained grim until the launch of "The Freedom of Movement Train". It began as a United Nations Mission in Kosovo (UNMIK) program that promoted multiculturalism and post-war reconciliation among all the communities in Kosova including Albanians, Serbs, Romas and Ashkalis. The Freedom of Movement Train runs from Fushe Kosove (Kosovo Polje) through the conflicted area of Mitrovica up to Leshak (borders with Serbia) and back. The Freedom of Movement Train seeks to break the barriers caused by ethnic tensions.

Directors Biography
Karina Correa is a filmmaker born in Bogota, Colombia. Karina lives and works in New York, she graduated in 1999 from the School of Visual Arts with Outstanding Achievement. Since then, she has been involved with independent media directing a broad range of projects including award winning shorts, animation, music videos and documentaries. Train of Freedom is her first feature film.

Location and screening schedule:
premiere: SC Cinema, Tuesday, October 21st at 17.00
reprisal: BUG cinema &TD, Wednesday, October 22nd at 11.00

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