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Zagreb Film Festival
19 - 25 October 2008

SC - Savska 25
10000 Zagreb

385 1 48 29 477
385 1 45 93 691



 On the 17 March 2008, by signing the Memorandum of Understanding between the European Community and the Republic of Croatia on the participation of the Republic of Croatia in the Community Programme MEDIA 2007 (2007 - 2013), Croatia became full member of the MEDIA Programme, in this case MEDIA 2007. For the first time, the possibility to fully participate in the competition for financial support given by the European Commission through this Programme as a support for production, promotion and distribution of the European audiovisual programmes became real for Croatian directors, producers, scriptwriters and other natural persons and legal entities dealing with audiovisual activities.
The MEDIA Programme is the EU support programme for the European audiovisual industry. In November 2006, the European Parliament adopted the Programme MEDIA 2007 (previously MEDIA I, II, MEDIA Plus, MEDIA Training) and for a period 2007 - 2013.
A total budget for the MEDIA 2007 is € 755 mil over seven years (2007 - 2013), with almost 65% of the total budget going to distribution and promotion of European films outside their originating country.
The MEDIA Programme is jointly run by the Information Society & Media Directorate General
under the authority of Commissioner Viviane Reding and the
Education, Audiovisual & Culture Executive Agency (EACEA).
The goal of presentation is to get Croatian film professionals acquainted with the MEDIA Programme, providing them with information on its goals, systems of financing, application forms, guidelines and the role of MEDIA desk.
One of the tasks of the Croatian Audiovisual Centre was to establish the MEDIA desk Croatia, as a department within the Centre - public institution which was recently established by the Law on Audiovisual Activities with the aim of pursuing audiovisual activities.
The MEDIA desk Croatia shall work on promotion and wide distribution of information about the Programme MEDIA 2007 as well as provide assistance to all those potential candidates wishing to participate in the Programme.
The presentation shall be organized by the MEDIA desk Croatia in cooperation with Zagreb Film Festival. As a guest lecturer Ms. Sabina Žakelj, Head of MEDIA desk Slovenia shall be invited.

Tuesday 21th October 6PM / Press Center / SC Gallery 

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