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Zagreb Film Festival
19 - 25 October 2008

SC - Savska 25
10000 Zagreb

385 1 48 29 477
385 1 45 93 691


Contacts for the Zagreb Film Festival Press office

Hrvojka Begović - public relations.............+ 385 91 2496 426

Martina Tomašić - press office.....................+385 91 7391 695

Ivana Sansević - head of press center.......+385 91 5287 605

Phone +385 1 4593 555

Fax +385 1 4829 477


Zagreb Film Festival press office is in charge of all journalists and media interested in the festival and various programs, as well as distribution of press material (texts, photos, movie clips). Feel free to contact us for additional info!

The Press center is located in Galerija SC and is open from Sunday, October 18th to Saturday, October 25th 2008. Press center working hours are between 9 a.m. and 9 p.m.

You will be able to receive all relevant information about all festival programs in the press center, get your press material, pick up press accreditations and do prearranged interviews.

Organized meetings and talking to guests will be organized in the Press center every day from October 20th to 25th , alongside program presentations for that day.

Journalists with accreditations will be able to use the Internet, phones and fax machines in the Press center as well as see some of the movies featured in the program in the video-bar. Films featured in the video-bar will not include Croatian subtitles. In order to watch films you will have to make an appointment on the Press center desk.


Application forms for accreditations can be found on the festival web site in the press section starting with October 6th until October 13th 2008. The press office will approve accreditations and inform you whether your application was approved or rejected.

Note: Applying for accreditations does not guarantee approval of accreditation!

Accreditations can be picked up starting with the first day of the festival, October 19th 2008, in the Press center.
The backup technical team (cameramen, tone operators, organizers...) do not get accreditations. The technical team can enter all places as their journalist/reporter can.
The press office retains the right to revoke accreditations in case of misuse. For any additional information please contact the press office.

Vip ZFF SMS info
Our general sponsor, Vip, enables free delivery of new program information and interesting festival tidbits through SMS messages. In order to activate this service you will need to send a SMS with the "ZFF" text to # 091 7001 242. This service is free and available to all Croatian mobile network users. To cancel your subscription send a SMS message with the "-ZFF" text to the same phone number (091 7001 242).  

Documentaries on the 6th ZFF


My Marlon and Brando


The Wave among the Great 5


‘Snow’ running for the EFA


CIAO ANNA Photo exhibition
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